Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The Marine has been gone almost close to half a year.  If this was a normal (well as normal as you can get) USMC deployment, we'd be on the downhill slope.  We'd be getting ready for his homecoming.  Instead we are getting ready for R&R, and deep down I'd rather have him coming home and staying a while, instead of being here for a couple of weeks and then sending him back.  Don't get me wrong, I am so glad that the Marine gets R&R, I just don't want to send him back.

I'm a bit jealous.  It's hard for both of us to see our friends come home from their deployments when they left shortly before, around the same time, or just after the Marine did.  Then they come home before him, and we still have a good part of the deployment left.  The emotions at this point are frustrating.  I am so happy that our friends are coming home, but it's hard for me too.  I want what my friends have or will soon have.  And to know I don't get that for many, many months just sucks.  That's the best way to put it.  It sucks, and nothing can be done about it.

I just want my Marine home.  The Marine just wants to be home. 

We are getting to the point we are over this.  I remember during the first deployment, around month 7 we were over the deployment,  We were both done, and we still 5 had months left.  I believe that there is something about that number 7.  I think we are not suppose to be away from our partners that long.  The service members are also done with what they are doing.  They are burnt out.  It's an emotional and/or psychological thing, I'm sure there is some sort of study out there about it.  I'm just too lazy to look it up, plus I already know how I feel. 

But I'm starting to feel done with this deployment, and we aren't even to the halfway point.  Maybe it's because it's the summer and I don't have as much going on.  I'm hoping that's the case.

This quote is pretty dramatic, but it's the closest to my feeling right now. 

"Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope severer than despair." ~William Cowper

The Dancer

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