Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Wow, I was moved to tears a few minutes ago.  I don't cry often.  A few reasons, I don't like to cry, and if I cry hard enough it gives me a headache.  I'm pretty sure I have said that in another post!  Hahaha.

First let me say, I have a wonderful group of friends.  We meet almost every week for brunch.  We always try to be there for each other and help each other out, and to check up on each other.  So we have that military spouse bond.  It's like Army Wives but better and minus all of the drama!  Ok, so there is that kind of kindness.  We are all in the same boat so we help each other out.  We become a family.

Small town kindness.  Today, I had to take Cinder (our dog) to the vet.  Her doctor is the father of one of my students, and the mother is the receptionist.  Lately, we have seeing a lot of them, but that's a whole different story.  The mother told me that if I ever needed anything or help with anything just to call.  They barely know me but they are offering their help.  She practically offered her whole extended family, because you know sometimes you just need a man to help with things!  No, really you do, if you decide to move something big, or need help starting the motorcycle.  My issue is the latter, I can usually move whatever it is I need moved, because I'm manly like that, but that darn motorcycle gets me every time!

So that experience made me feel good today on the drive home from the vet.  Now the question is, is she saying that because I have been there 4 times in the past 2 months and they are starting to feel bad for me?  I don't think that's the case, I think she was honestly offering to help.  That's what you get when you live in a small town!

A good person and my dancer family kindness.  The experience that made me cry happened on Facebook.  This weekend we are going to King's Dominion for our last competition!  This is a fun comp, they perform and then we play!  The past few competitions I have gone by myself and stayed by myself, for the obvious reasons.  Tonight, I asked one of the mom's if she got her tickets, and then she asked me if I wanted to stay with them and hang out with them.  She asked because she knew I was going alone, and that's "it's hard to be without hubby."  I cried.  Probably because this would have been a competition that the Marine would have joined me on.  This would have been something that we would have enjoyed together.  I cried because someone realized that.  That's the kindness I love. 

I may be strong and seem happy.  But there are times when I am putting up a strong front and I'm just acting happy.  I don't want to seem weak.  I have the occasional day when things aren't going well.  So I really like when people step up and offer me their help or offer to do something with me.  Why?  Because I don't want to wear them out with my offers, I don't want them to think I'm using them because I'm asking them for something all the time.  I don't feel that way with friends, but with people I haven't gotten to know very well I don't want them to feel used. 

So be kind.  Offer to help or do something with a friend, an acquaintance, or even a stranger.  You never know how that might turn their day or life around.  Plus, that kindness will find it's way back to you.

"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." ~James Matthew Barrie

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japans Earthquake & Tsunami

As many of you know we lived in Japan for 2 years (actually, I lived there, the Marine visited, LOL) last night they had an 8.9 earthquake.  I still have many friends there and it's been a scary and rough day from them.  Please keep the people of Japan in your thoughts and prayers.  As well as the people of Hawaii and the West Coast.

As of right now, my friends from facebook are reporting that there are still after shocks, and the news just reported a 5.6 after shock.   

FB is a pretty incredible tool.  I have been able to make sure many of my friends in Japan and Hawaii are ok.

Stay safe my Japan, Hawaii, and West Coast friends.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Let's Talk Dance

Since it has been awhile!

So about 3 weeks ago I took my girls to Encore DCS in Myrtle Beach, SC. I was really looking forward to this competition because I had two pieces this time, and I was going to see my friends, Nicole and Kyle.

I met Nicole and Kyle in 29 Palms, CA. Kyle is a Marine, he got out a few years ago. Nicole and I were introduced by a man whom I'll refer to as, Crazy Joe, and I think we drove that man crazier than he already was. That's not saying that he didn't drive us crazy, because he did! Oh, the stories we have! Nicole and I taught dance together and we coached the MCCS youth CheerDance group. Nicole was a great friend and support system that year. That was during the first deployment. They now live in SC, and we talk regularly on Facebook. Since I was going to be in SC, they decided to come see me! We picked up like we had seen each other yesterday, instead of 4 years! That is what true friendship is, you can go years without seeing each other, but it's like you have never been away from each other.

I went down on Friday night to watch a few of my students do solos. The next day I was able to see Nicole. We were trying to find each other in a large auditorium. I had actually been about 3 seats from her, but I didn't recognize her with long hair. Then I looked on the other side of the auditorium, so I called her and asked where she was. Finally, we saw each other and we were running down the aisle and then hugging! Clearly, we were excited to see each other! BTW, that all happened between pieces.

We watched a lot of dance. We saw some good pieces, I don't remember being as impressed at this competition as I was from DTI though. I had some "wow" moments, but not as many. The Senior age group had some good male/female duets. I have always enjoyed watching couples dance, and I admit, I LOVE men who can dance.

My girls did a good job. My younger ones were in new costumes and and they looked good. When they danced they looked like they were having fun! My older ones have never done a modern piece for competition before so they weren't confident in what they did. No matter what I told them, they thought it looked horrible! They did do good though. The stage was HUGE and they let that get to them a bit.

Last week during class, I had the older girls watch their piece from competition. They were so funny, before we watched it they were saying, "We want to see how bad we looked." After they watched it it was, "Oh, it wasn't as bad as we thought," or "It actually looked pretty good." So hopefully they have more confidence now that they have seen themselves and that they looked good.

The judges remarks were the same things I tell them every week and multiple times during class! Point their feet, spot while turning (more for my little ones), straighten their legs, strong arms, reach, stretch, etc. So that's something they have to work on and remember. Hopefully, they'll listen to what the judges say, since me saying it doesn't do it.

We are actually gearing up for another competition that is in a couple of weeks. I have been working them hard. The older girls and I are having a Lock In, and dancing all night soon! Then about two weeks after that we are going to another competition, that is our last one for the year. Then we have a month and half until recital! This year is going so fast! But that is a good thing.

So I'll leave you with this, "Dancers are instruments, like a piano the choreographer plays." George Balanchine.

The Dancer